Greek Florilegia: pinakes
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Greek Florilegia: Pinakes
Transcriptions and English translations by Charlotte Roueché and Denis Searby
John Damascene, Sacra Parallela, Pinax (2013)
Greek text, transcribed by Denis Searby, from the edition by Le Quien published in the Patrologia Graeca.
English translation by Charlotte Roueché
CTS references:
Greek: /cts/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg2934.tlg0018.saws01
English translation: /cts/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg2934.tlg0018.saws02
'Ps-Maximus', Loci Communes, Pinax (2013)
Greek text, transcribed by Denis Searby, from the edition by Sybille Ihm.
English translation by Charlotte Roueché
CTS reference:
English translation:
Melissa Augustana, Pinax (2013)
Greek text, transcribed by Charlotte Roueché, from the edition by Étienne Sargologos.
English translation by Charlotte Roueché
CTS reference:
Greek: /cts/urn:cts:greekLit:MelA.Patmos6.sawsSarg01
English translation: /cts/urn:cts:greekLit:MelA.Patmos6.sawsSarg02
Cite as: Florilegia, Pinakes (SAWS edition, 2013)